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Wesley Hanwen Deng, Manish Nagireddy, Michelle Seng Ah Lee, Jatinder Singh, Zhiwei Steven Wu, Kenneth Holstein, Haiyi Zhu. Exploring How Machine Learning Practitioners (Try To) Use Fairness Toolkits. 
FAccT '22 [Full Paper]
Hong Shen, Leijie Wang, Wesley Hanwen Deng, Ciell, Ronald Velgersdijk, Haiyi Zhu. The Model Card Authoring Toolkit: Towards Community-centered, Deliberation-driven AI Design. 
FAccT '22 [Full paper]
Dan Liebling, Katherine Heller, Samantha Roberston, Wesley Hanwen Deng. Opportunities for Human-centered Evaluation of Machine Translation Systems 
NAACL '22 [Full Paper]
Wesley Hanwen Deng, Nikita Mehandru, Samantha Roberston, Niloufar Salehi. Beyond General Purpose Machine Translation: The Need for Context-specific Empirical Research to Design for Appropriate User Trust
CHI '22 TRAIT Workshop [Short Presentation]
Jon Gillick, Wesley Hanwen Deng, Kimiko Ryokai, David Bamman.
Robust Laughter Detection in Noisy Environments
Interspeech '21 [Full Paper]
Hong Shen, Wesley Hanwen Deng, Aditi Chattopadhyay, Zhiwei Steven Wu, Xu Wang, Haiyi Zhu.
Value Cards: An Educational Toolkits for Teaching Social Impacts of Machine Learning through Deliberation
FAccT '21 [Full Paper,CHI '21 [Workshop
Samantha Roberston, Wesley Hanwen Deng, Timnit Gebru, Margaret Mitchell, Dan Liebling,Michal Lahav, Katherine Heller, Mark Diaz, Samy Bengio, Niloufar Salehi.Three Directions for the Design of Human-Centered Machine Translation
EACL '21 HCI + NLP  
Wesley Hanwen Deng, Manish Nagireddy, Zhiwei Steven Wu, Kenneth Holstein, Haiyi Zhu
Evaluating Fairness in Practice: Exploring How Machine Learning Practitioners Use Fairness Toolkits
NeurIPS '21 Human-Centered AI [Workshop]
Kimiko Ryokai, Julia Park, Wesley Hanwen Deng.
Personal Laughter Archives: Reflection through Visualization and Interaction
UbiComp '20 [Poster][Demo]
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