Express Checkout
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Currently, grocery shopping consists of two main steps: item picking and checkout. Though deciding what to purchase can be enjoyable, the waiting, scanning, and paying experience in the second half of the shopping process is monotonous and may detriment the entire experience. Therefore, we transform the perception of a mundane errand of a checkout counter into a worthwhile experience. Using Google Cloud Vision for identification, we provide the customers with different sensory generative feedback. For the people waiting in line, they hear a mix of music and sound effect generated by the item combination from the current scanner. Besides the audio feedback, the customers will receive receipts with item-based lyrics at the end, along with a sound-collage souvenir. Through the audio and the literal rewards from each purchase, the checkout experience will be less isolated between the scanners and the people waiting in line. [Code] [Full Design Documentation]
60s Concept Video
Hardware Gallery
Raspberry Pi 3 b+
Pi Camera & Neo Pixel
12V Output Power Supply
Acrylic Plates
Aluminum Extrusions
Mini Bluetooth Printer
Google Cloud Vision